Corporate Sustainability
At Barefoot Holidays we are committed to operating and growing our business in a sustainable and responsible manner. We recognize that we can make a difference in achieving long term Environmental Sustainability by reducing our Carbon Footprint and impact on Climate Change. Our Environmental Initiatives are a continual and evolving process which includes:

Energy Saving & Water Management
Our goal is to reduce electricity based emissions through the efficient use of power. This is monitored by turning off lights in rooms and common areas where natural daylight provides sufficient lighting. We power down office equipment at night while energy efficient LED lighting is used. Water efficient devices including water saver censored taps and low-water-volume toilets are used. Continuous inspection to avert and Urgent attention is paid to water leaks.
Our company's policy is to avoid wasteful consumption thus saving both resources and revenue. Team members print on both sides of paper . We use IT technology to store and organize data to avoid unnecessary printing. Furniture which is no longer in use are donated to local schools or nonprofit organizations.
Team Member Awareness
We take great pride in a culture of sustainability within our team. We have introduced successful employee engagement strategies that involve smaller sustainable goals including a yearly Tree Planting Exercise. Team members donation and contribution to local charities.
Supplier Awareness
We engage our suppliers in discussion focused on sustainability and seek opportunities to work with them in ways that can integrate sustainability into the services that they provide. We support the conservation of natural areas, habitats and wildlife. We encourage our suppliers to foster respect for our historical and cultural heritage. We continue to measure measure the impact on the social and environmental aspects of St. Lucia and set targets for ongoing improvement.